Research Assistance
Reference librarians can provide research assistance to library patrons.
Schedule a research consultation
Email: refdesk.lawlib@uconn.edu
Phone: (860) 570-5200
Visit: 39 Elizabeth St. Hartford CT 06105
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows UConn Law faculty, students, and staff to request library materials from institutions all over the world. If a book, journal article, or other item is not available from the UConn Law Library, then the ILL department will attempt to obtain it from a global network of libraries. Learn more about interlibrary loan.
Periodical Indexes
Legal Source
A full text database of nearly 900 legal journals as well as indexing of legal journals, yearbooks, bar association publications, and law reviews. For search results that do not contain full text, use the UConn Law Links to see if the material is available elsewhere in the library's collection.
Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981
This retrospective database indexes over 750 legal periodicals published in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Also provided are more than 530,000 records, including book reviews and case citations.
Index and selected full text of articles from major law reviews, bar journals, legal newspapers, and other legal publications, with coverage from 1980 to the present.
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
Multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in approximately 520 legal journals published worldwide, with coverage from 1985 to the present. Covers public and private international law, comparative and foreign law, and the law of all jurisdictions other than the U.S., the U.K., Canada, and Australia. IFLP also analyzes the contents of approximately 80 individually published collections of legal essays, Festschriften, Melanges, and congress reports each year.
Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP)
Weekly topical arrangement of newly published legal periodical articles, with coverage from 1999 to present.
Research Guides
Research Guides, created by UConn Law librarians, provide a great starting point for your research. We’ve chosen the most relevant research tools for many subject areas. Browse our Research Guides: