Faculty Research Service
FacServ is the library's faculty research service. Reference questions and requests for short-term research projects that do not require the use of a personal research assistant for an entire semester should be sent to facserv.lawlib@uconn.edu. These questions are handled by reference librarians and library student research assistants under their supervision.
Request Materials
To request books and articles from our collection or from other libraries: email requests to docdel.lawlib@uconn.edu
Request directly from the library catalog: sign into your catalog account with your NetID and request items directly from the catalog.
Request items from other libraries: login to tILLapia and click "Create Request." Enter all of the information that you have about the item on the request form and click "Submit Request."
Document Delivery & Interlibrary Loan
The library retrieves and delivers books, articles, primary law sources and other publications from the Law Library, licensed or free online sources, and Interlibrary Loan. Our default delivery for electronic materials is our interlibrary loan system. Print materials are delivered to faculty mailboxes.
To Request material
- Email docdel.lawlib@uconn.edu
- From the library catalog: sign into your catalog account with your NetID and request items directly from the catalog.
- Login to tILLapia and click "Create Request." Enter all of the information that you have about the item on the request form and click "Submit Request."
Monday-Friday during business hours.
Turn-Around time
- Please allow at least 2 business days to fill your request. Items that are obtained from other libraries may take significantly longer.
- Turn-around time depends on availability of the item on campus and number of requests in the system.
- Please include a specific date/time for rush requests; we will notify you if we cannot meet your requested time.
- Articles, book chapters, and other digital materials are sent via tILLapia Monday-Friday.
- All electronic materials delivered via tILLapia are available for 5 views or 30 days, whichever comes first.
- Books are delivered to faculty mailboxes first thing in the morning and again in the afternoon, Monday-Friday.
Database Training
Need help using Lexis Advance, WestlawNext, or one of the library's many other electronic databases? To receive one-on-one instruction in the use of any electronic resource, contact the Head of Reference Services via facserv.lawlib@uconn.edu.
Research Assistants
Reference librarians provide basic and specialized training for your research assistants upon request. We will work one-on-one with your RA's to train them in the use of library resources, the formulation of research strategies, and special research projects. Contact the Head of Reference Services via facserv.lawlib@uconn.edu.
Current Awareness
The library provides access to a number of electronic sources that will help you stay up-to-date in your areas of interest:
- SmartCILP provides personalized email delivery of the table of contents of newly-published law reviews and legal journals, organized by topic.
- Bloomberg/BNA Email Alerts allow you to receive updates to any of over 100 newsletters and reporters featuring the latest legal trends and developments, especially in highly-regulated areas such as environmental law, labor and employment, and tax.
- SSRN eJournal Alerts will alert you to new papers posted on SSRN on a particular subject and include an abstract of each paper.
- Lexis/Westlaw - Both Lexis Advance and WestlawNext provide alerts for law reviews, news, cases, legislation, and more.
- RSS Feeds - You can follow blogs and news services by adding them to an RSS reader.
For assistance with any of the above, contact facserv.lawlib@uconn.edu.
Request a Purchase
Faculty are encouraged to recommend new titles for addition to the collection. Whenever possible, the library will make every effort to accommodate such requests. Recommendations should be sent to Elisabeth Umpleby, the acquisitions/serials librarian.
Research Lectures
Reference librarians are available to provide research instruction in law school classes, seminars, and clinical law programs.
- Research Sessions are customized to fit your course topic.
- Research Sessions are designed to instruct law students on research in a specialized area of law.
- Research Guides can be created to fit your course topic and/or accompany a research session.
To request research instruction and/or research guide creation, contact the Head of Reference Services via facserv.lawlib@uconn.edu
Faculty Publications
Hundreds of articles written by our faculty are available on the university's DigitalCommons platform.