Ask a Law Librarian
- Email: refdesk.lawlib@uconn.edu
- Phone: (860) 570-5200.
- Chat by using the button below. If chat is interrupted during reference hours please send us an email.
Research Guides
Research Guides, created by UConn law librarians, provide a great starting point for your research. We’ve chosen the most relevant research tools for many subject areas.
Reference Assistance
In General
Our Reference Librarians are available to assist you in finding and using print and online legal resources. Two great place to start are our online catalog and subject-specific research guides.
Reference Assistance
Please note that our Reference Librarians cannot do the actual research for you. Reference librarians are not authorized to give legal advice or provide interpretive assistance to any patron. If help is needed to resolve a legal problem, or interpret the law, you should consult a practicing attorney.
Court Forms/Records
We DO NOT carry pre-printed, official Connecticut Court Forms. Some of these forms are available online. Others can be obtained at the courthouse.
We do not have records of court filings, criminal records, real property or corporate records.
General questions about reference services should be directed to the Director for Library Services.
Useful Resources
- Nolo Press legal self-help books.
- State and Federal Statutes
- Connecticut & US Supreme Court Cases
- Over 450,000 books on all areas of US law
- Hartford & West Hartford Municipal Codes
Electronic (in library use only)
- FastCase
- Nexis Uni
- Westlaw
- and many more
Other Connecticut Law Libraries
The Connecticut State Library on Capitol Avenue in Hartford is open to the general public and has a comprehensive law collection with a reference staff prepared to assist the public. Courthouse libraries are also open to the public.