Reserve a Study Room
The library offers 11 group study rooms and the student organizations’ conference table to support law students’ collaborative work. Room reservation privileges are granted to current law students, faculty, and staff.
Ask a Law Librarian
- Schedule a research consultation
- Email: refdesk.lawlib@uconn.edu
- Phone: (860) 570-5200.
- Chat by using the button below. If chat is interrupted during reference hours please send us an email.
How We Can Help You
Reference Librarians are in the library Monday - Friday and Sunday during the regular academic semester. Simply stop by the main desk, call us, email us, or send us a chat and ask for assistance. Reference librarians and our library staff can help you find material in the library; show you how to locate information in specific print materials or in online databases
Need more in-depth assistance? Set up a Research Consultation with one of our reference librarians. During your consultation, we can help you locate and use relevant resources; assist you in narrowing your research topic; and guide you in developing a research strategy for tackling any assignment.
Library2Go is a free book and article retrieval service. Simply request a book from the library’s collection and it will be retrieved and checked out to you. Need a book chapter or an article from a print journal? We will scan it and email it to you.
How to Request
To request a book or scan, log into your library account through the library catalog. Locate the item you want, and then click “Request a Scan” or “Request a Physical Copy” and fill out the form. For more information: How to Place a Request Through the Library Catalog
How to Pick Up a Book
You will receive an email notification when your items are ready for pick up. Book pickup is near the front door of the library. Books are arranged in alphabetical order by borrower last name.
All requests are subject to the University Library's fair use and copyright policies, as well as its availability on our shelves.
If you are a journal member, please submit all requests through the journal’s library-designated contact person.
Exam Archive
The Law Library maintains an Exam Archive for the benefit of the Law School community. Exams in this archive are digitized versions of printed exams collected in accordance with the faculty handbook and placed on reserve in the library. Inclusion of an exam in the digital archive is at the discretion of the instructor. Please contact your professor to inquire about the availability of previous exams not posted.
Borrowing and Renewing
Students may borrow circulating items for 90 days, and items can be renewed once. Items on reserve may be borrowed for four hours.
Renew a Book
Renew your books in any of the following ways:
- Bring it to the Circulation Desk.
- Call the Circulation Desk at 860-570-5012.
- Email the Circulation Desk.
- Renew your books online. Log into your Library Account
For more information see the library's borrowing and lending policy.
Help for New Students
Welcome to UConn Law!
Please explore our website to learn about all of the services the library has to offer, including study rooms, carrels, printing and, of course, our research materials.
New Student Toolkit
Our new student toolkit is a one stop shop for many of the resources and library information you'll need for a successful first year. We include information on study aids, academic success, summer internships and information about Lexis, Westlaw and CALI - which contains many online tutorials covering the content of first year courses.
Help for Journal Members
Reference Librarian Liaisons
Each journal has a reference librarian liaison. Find your journal liaison here.
- Connecticut Law Review
- Connecticut Journal of International Law
- Connecticut Insurance Law Journal
- Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal
Sourcing and Cite Checking Help
Use these Library Research Guides to help you with cite checking:
Interlibrary Loan
Use interlibrary loan when you need materials that the library does not have.
Help for Research Assistants
In addition consulting our Research Guides, please contact a reference librarian for:
- Help locating the right database(s) or print materials to use for your research assignment
- Training on using tools like indexes, social science databases, archival material and more
- Conversations about research strategy, documenting your research and presenting your findings.
- Detailed consultations are available by appointment - just email us to schedule a time.
We are here to help, so please reach out to us early and often!