The Pocket Part: UConn Law Library Blog

Resource Spotlight! Presidential Actions Resources and Trackers

Keeping track of executive orders (EOs) and other policy decisions and decisions is vital for remaining current with the evolving legal environment, as they are critical to understanding how the shifting political landscape will impact national governance, law, and policy.

UConn Law Library features a new research guide titled  Presidential Actions Resources and Trackers to resources that help track, analyze, and interpret the executive orders and policy changes that will define the new administration. This resource includes executive order resources, trackers, federal funding, state resources and advocacy info that will help you stay informed and engaged with these critical developments.

Also featured are links to pages for resources geared towards immigrants and LGBTQIA+ alike to understand their rights during our current political era.  Be sure to  check out our Advocacy Organizations and Connecticut Actions tabs to learn more about how your involvement can help marginalized groups find peace and prosperity.

Online Exhibit! We March On: 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage

UConn Law Library is highlighting Women’s History month by showcasing resources focusing on women and the law.

We March On – Celebrating 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage Exhibit was designed to commemorate the 100th anniversary of this achievement.  The online exhibit features a historical narrative, recognizes the efforts of the suffrage movement in Connecticut, and showcases contributions to women’s equality by women at UConn School of Law.

Originally produced as six large banners, which were on display at the UConn Law Library,  We March On was intended as a traveling exhibit. The online version was created during COVID so that more people could learn about these important individuals and events. Accompanied by stunning period photos and powerful quotes, it’s a riveting view of this movement.

The We March On research guide contains additional information about women at UConn Law, the Equal Rights Amendment and a multitude of resources dedicated to this subject.

From Suffrage to Supreme Court: Women’s Impact on Legal History

Women’s History Month has been recognized in the United States since President Reagan issued Presidential Proclamation 5619.pdf on March 16, 1987, with all the succeeding presidents following suit on an annual basis.  In 2024 President Biden’s Proclamation  urged us to recognize “the long, storied history of great women helping to realize our Nation’s founding promise and highest aspirations.”  Biden’s Proclamation also called upon Americans to celebrate International Women’s Day, celebrated within Women's History Month on March 8th every year.

The first International Women’s Day gathering was in 1911 and is now celebrated by more than one million individuals.  Read more about the history here.

Be sure to stop by the library to check out our print resources in honor of both Women’s History Month. Take a moment to learn about pioneers in women's history , with a timeline of significant milestones in the journey of these trailblazers. Earn a prize from the library front desk after naming all these women who broke barriers!

Also check out UConn Law Library's own research guide, We March On, which features an online exhibit highlighting the women's suffrage movement, UConn Law women and Connecticut's role in the movement, and this blog post featuring HeinOnline's database: Women and the Law (Peggy).


Student Blogger Kwaku Aurelien – “You Need a Hero, Look in the Mirror, There Is Your Hero”

Group shot of members of BLSA UConn Law
Members of UConn Law Black Law Students Association (BLSA).

May 1803 – Treacherous waves crashed against the jagged rocks on the shores of St. Simons Island, Georgia. A ship sailing across the rocky shore was tossed back and forth, desperate not to topple over. Just another day, right? Not quite. On a normal day, it would be the sheer force of the waves that would cause a ship to struggle to maintain its balance. But on this day, the cause had been a struggle onboard. It had been so loud that the sound reverberated across the entire United States. After a while, the ship came to a halt. But the sound didn’t stop. To onlookers, it had sounded almost like… singing. Could it be that Homer had seen sirens after all?

Only, these Sirens did not resemble those from The Odyssey. The color of their skin was an assortment of browns, and underneath the sun, they shimmered like gold. As their singing got louder, people started going overboard. Those had been their captors, sent to recover them from a distant land. It was after the last pirate went overboard that the brown-skinned singers did the unthinkable. They began to jump into the water themselves. Those currents were too treacherous to swim to shore, and they must have known that having had sailed on the water. It begs the question – why did they jump to certain death?

The answer lies in who these people were and where they came from. This was the story of Igbo Landing. It had not been called that before, but the actions of the singers that day – the Igbo people of West Africa – demanded recognition from the force of nature we call history. They had been abducted from their native lands to be made slaves, and not only slaves in the sense history had known them to that point. They were made out to be chattel. Property, that could be bought or sold at will. But they would not have it so. It was their dignity that compelled them to jump that day, and they carried a dignity that transcended generations, across those who, even if they were not direct descendants or related, shared the same hues. They include names such as Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey, two men who were never going to cross paths. Indeed, the latter had been killed years before the former met a similar fate. What they shared was that they rebelled. Despite knowing that they would not live to see their people in their entirety free, they rebelled to free those they could. It was a risk Harriet Tubman took decades later as the brainchild and conductor of the Underground Railroad, and while she survived to tell the tale, and to see a world in which her people were free, she did so at tremendous personal cost. Struck in the head by a two-pound weight by a plantation overseer, Tubman persisted the rest of her life dealing with a condition resembling temporal lobe epilepsy or narcolepsy.

This is the story of the ancestors of the people we today call African Americans, or Black Americans. These were people who never passively nor begrudgingly consigned themselves to the existence of chattel slaves. Indeed, these ancestors were fighters against oppression, and fight against their oppression they did, even under the sting of the lash, and worse, under the threat of death. Dr. Cornel West is fond of saying that Black Americans taught the world about love and how to love. But what if I told you that for as eloquent as Dr. West is, his words only scratch the surface of this group of people’s greatness?

Black Americans have historically been and are one of, if not the world’s most downtrodden people. And yet, despite the sheer oppression they have been and continue to be confronted with, they have always offered humanity its greatest hope at the seemingly illusive prospect of world peace. So often, when asked if they think world peace is possible, many are quick to shoot down the idea of it on the altar of “human nature,” and in so doing, they unknowingly deny themselves their own humanity. These are people who believe that without incentives, human beings will naturally destroy their environment, one another, and themselves. Black Americans, however, ever solution-oriented and not defeatist, know a different way. Consider what Martin Luther King had to say in his last book, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community (1967):

The wealthy nations of the world must promptly initiate a massive, sustained Marshall Plan for Asia, Africa and South America. If they would allocate just 2 percent of their gross national product annually for a period of ten or twenty years for the development of the underdeveloped nations, mankind would go a long way toward conquering the ancient enemy, poverty.

Dr. King’s proposal would represent a constructive use of the United States’ vast and unearned resources, and it is indicative of the type of work people operating in good faith and in good conscience should be striving for in the modern day. Martin Luther King was more than a nonviolent preacher. He was a political and social scientist who saw the bigger picture. He knew that racism against Black Americans could never be defeated without restorative justice, justice which restored not only the poisoned soul and blackened heart of America, but of everyone the world over America helped to suppress. That is why he spoke out against the war in Vietnam, cognizant of the fact that decision would cost him dearly. It is why he had been planning to wage an aggressive war against American poverty, only to have been murdered before he could see it through to the end.

A couple of things are noteworthy. For one, Dr. King’s words, while relevant, were not ideas unique to him only. His contemporaries had said similar things. Consider what the criminally underrated Ella Baker, the founder of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), an organizer beyond compare, and a King ally and critic, had to say in the clip below:



One of UConn Law’s very own, Professor John C. Brittain, thought as Dr. King did as he traversed the scourge of school segregation in the landmark Connecticut state case Sheff v. O’Neill. A brilliant article was published in The Century Foundation by then-senior fellow Richard D. Kahlenberg on Professor Brittain’s admirable exploits, stating

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. championed both racial and economic justice during his lifetime, and in the five decades since King’s assassination, no one has pursued that dual agenda more faithfully than and consistently than civil rights attorney and law professor John C. Brittain.

The article details how, two decades after the 1996 Sheff Connecticut Supreme Court decision that struck down de facto segregation as illegal, the conservative Pacific Legal Foundation’s filing suit to dismantle the integrated school system in Hartford was stymied by Professor Brittain’s emphasis on poverty concentrations during litigation of Sheff to “shift the student assignment algorithm to consider socioeconomic status.”

In a deeply broken country and world, all Black Americans have done is build under immense pressure with extremely limited or no resources. This is evident from Frederick Douglass teaching himself how to read and write after escaping slavery.pdf, to Booker T. Washington’s entrepreneurial and organizational genius and George Washington Carver’s scientific genius building up the Tuskegee Institute, to the Black Panther Party pioneering both free school breakfast and the first national sickle cell anemia screening program. Still, there exists the tendency to shut up, shut out, and drown out Black voices that come across as “too Black.” Dr. King’s “revolution of values,” which saw him abandon incrementalism in favor of “massive” federal aid program for Black people – less than the annual U.S. defense budget – and both domestic and global societal restructuring, made him deeply unpopular. Held up today as the quintessential American, Dr. King had been assassinated with a disapproval rating of nearly seventy-five percent. And it is the same writers of history who paint who paint Dr. King as a foil to Malcolm X. They say Malcolm X wanted violence where Dr. King wanted peace.

But the truth is much more complex than that. Their philosophies intersected at critical points, and at some points, Malcolm was even more comprehensive and forward-thinking than King. He recontextualized the Black rights struggle from one of civil rights to one of human rights. He thought by doing so, the struggle would be “internationalized,” the world would serve as the court of law, Black people as the petitioner, and America as the respondent, as opposed to America, the criminal perpetrator, serving as the court. He was a pioneer in what is known as People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHR), which is defined as “those non-oppressive rights that reflect the highest commitment to universal human dignity and social justice that individuals and collectives define for themselves through social struggle.” Unfortunately, he died reviled by the mainstream media and White society, his message falling on deaf ears from those unwilling to hear it. Malcolm was a firebrand by nature, and he was unwilling to change his message or the way in which he delivered it for anyone’s comfort. In his 1963 speech “Message to the Grassroots,” he compared himself to black coffee:

It’s just like when you’ve got some coffee that’s too black, which means it’s too strong. What do you do? You integrate it with cream, you make it weak. But if you pour too much cream in it, you won’t even know you ever had coffee. It used to be hot, it becomes cool. It used to be strong, it becomes weak. It used to wake you up, now it puts you to sleep.

The lesson here is that it doesn’t matter how the message is packaged, too Black is too Black. Therefore, we who are Black students shouldn’t be concerned with respectability and fitting within a mold predetermined for us. Many of our greats, past and present, do not fit within such molds. Names such as Fannie Lou Hamer and Chris Smalls come to mind, who fly in the face of what most people would consider to be “eloquent,” or “well-spoken.” It is important never to underestimate anyone for how they speak, sound, look, dress, wear their hair, or for their level of education, for brilliance comes in all forms. Fannie Lou Hamer received only a sixth-grade education and yet she became one of the most formidable and underrated leaders in the Civil Rights Movement, building a robust agricultural cooperative for Black Mississippians to own land and farm collectively with no federal assistance whatsoever. Chris Smalls captivated the nation in 2022 by leading a union crusade against Amazon, unprecedented in its scope and success. He was labeled as not smart or articulate by the Amazon general counsel, and critics derided his durag, baseball cap, hoodie, sunglasses-laden appearance. Smalls simply told The New York Times that if he were running for president, he would dress just the same. That very Amazon general counsel underestimated Smalls, pushing to make him the face of the union organizing campaign. In doing so, he created the corporation’s biggest problem in its history. Yet, Black Americans remain underestimated, and the harsh truth is that for as many Chris Smalls as there are, there are many more whose potential is never allowed to flourish in an anti-Black society. As someone who had been incarcerated before he entered his name into the annals of history, Malcolm X in his autobiography recounted one fellow inmate of his, “West Indian Archie,” who was among the best “numbers runners” in his day for his ability to file people’s numbers in his head without ever writing them down or even acknowledging that he heard them. Malcolm notes that, had he lived in a different society, or if he had not been Black, his math genius might have been put to better use.

For as much as we talk about Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and others, and for as universally recognized as their names are, we know so little of who what they really did, what they really stood for, and who they really were at their core. Their stories have been consumed but not digested. Heard, but not listened to. Told with style, but lacking completely in substance. Now, politicians threaten to take their stories off the menu entirely. Now more than ever before, it is important that these stories are not only told but told as accurately, correctly, and viscerally as possible. We can and should be critical of them where their ideas no longer stand the test of time, but it is only by respecting and showing reverence for our heroes of the past will we ourselves be able to achieve greatness in the present. They suffered so that we today can have hope for something better.

This clip is from a 1992 lecture delivered at Florida International University by Kwame Ture. If you don’t know him by that name, you may know him by his original name, Stokely Carmichael

But knowledge without action is meaningless. It is for that reason that this blog is titled as it is, for a lyric in Kendrick Lamar’s song “Pray for Me.” In these turbulent, uncertain times, as Black students, we often find ourselves stuck, looking for our own generation’s version of the civil rights fighters to emerge to lead us into brighter times. But the harsh reality is that no saviors are coming. Every person touched on in this post made their names doing what they did not because they wanted to, but because they were left no choice, because they knew their work needed to be done to build a better future for generations to come. The hero you are looking for is in the mirror. You need only see it.

The late Attorney Kiah Duggins did just that. She graduated from Harvard Law in 2021, where she had been the President of the school’s Legal Aid Bureau, as well as a member of Harvard Defenders – the only legal service in Massachusetts representing low-income for people for free in criminal show-cause hearings – and the school’s chapter of the Black Law Students Association. She had been primed to assume the role of professor at Howard University before her life, along with sixty-six other souls, was tragically cut short in a plane collision with a helicopter over the Potomac River. The clip below is of Attorney Duggins speaking on TEDx about a program she created and spearheaded to empower underrepresented high school girls through college readiness, the Princess Project, and the challenges she faced in trying to bring it into existence. As you will find in the clip, Attorney Duggins, with the help of her parents and trusted counsel, persevered through what she perceived as her blind spots to enjoy great success with the Princess Project:


This Black History Month, the Black Law Students Association at UConn Law affirms that Black Lives Matter. All of them. Men, women, children, the elderly, cisgender, transgender, gay, straight, disabled, abled, dark-skinned, light-skinned, poor, working class, incarcerated, etc. The Black lives in other parts of the world who are suffering – in Haiti, in Congo, in Sudan, in Libya, and elsewhere. We account for them as well. We affirm the lived and living experiences of all Black identities as valid. We will strive to measure Black advancement and Black excellence qualitatively, not quantitatively; by the quality of life enjoyed by all of us, not by how many of us do X or Y.


For anyone who has read this, be they Black or be they a genuine ally, all you need do is see the hero in yourself. Can you do it? Now more than ever before, the world will need you to.


About the Author

Kwaku AurelianKwaku Aurelien is a 1L at UConn School of Law and a member of BLSA.









Works Cited

5Pillars. “Lessons from the American Mainstream Media’s Coverage of Malcolm X’s Death.” 5Pillars, 18 May 2020,

Baraka, Ajamu. “People(S)-Centered Human Rights & Malcolm X – Hood Communist.” Hood Communist, 9 Dec. 2021,

Bassett, Mary T. “Beyond Berets: The Black Panthers as Health Activists.” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 106, no. 10, Oct. 2016, pp. 1741–43,

Blakemore, Erin. “How the Black Panthers’ Breakfast Program Both Inspired and Threatened the Government.” HISTORY, 31 Aug. 2018,

Breen, Patrick. “Turner’s Revolt, Nat (1831) – Encyclopedia Virginia.” Encyclopedia Virginia, 22 Feb. 2022,

Cherelus, Gina. “Christian Smalls Is Leading a Labor Movement in Sweats and Sneakers.” The New York Times, 6 Apr. 2022,

Cobb, James. “Even Though He Is Revered Today, MLK Was Widely Disliked by the American Public When He Was Killed.” Smithsonian,, 4 Apr. 2018,

“Cornel West Lecture 6 – a Love Supreme (a Way Through) – Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Blog.”, 17 May 2024,

“Fannie Lou Hamer Founds Freedom Farm Cooperative – SNCC Digital Gateway.” SNCC Digital Gateway, 2011,

Ghaffary, Shirin. “Amazon Fired Chris Smalls. Now the New Union Leader Is One of Its Biggest Problems.” Vox, 7 June 2022,

Kahlenberg, Richard D. “A Civil Rights Hero Is Honored.” The Century Foundation, Apr. 2022, Accessed 26 Feb. 2025.

Luther, Martin, and Coretta Scott King. Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? Beacon Press, 2010.

Owens, Deidre Cooper. “Harriet Tubman’s Disability and Why It Matters – Ms. Magazine.”, 10 Feb. 2022,

PBS. “This Far by Faith. Denmark Vesey | PBS.”, 2019,

Rael, Patrick. “Why Did Nat Turner ‘Confess’?” AAIHS, 29 Apr. 2015,

Smiley, Tavis. “The One Single Thing Donald Trump and Martin Luther King, Jr. Have in Common.” Time, 1 Dec. 2017,

Staff, News. “Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver.” Colorado County Citizen, 22 Feb. 2023, Accessed 27 Feb. 2025.

Suleiman, Omar. “Malcolm X Is Still Misunderstood – and Misused.”, 21 Feb. 2020,

“The Water Spirit Will Take Us Home.”, 2017,

Undercurrents Staff. “American Labor Union Founder Chris Smalls and Claremont Organizers Speak at ‘Americonned’ Screening and Panel – Claremont Undercurrents.” Claremont Undercurrents, 23 Mar. 2024, Accessed 28 Feb. 2025.

X, Malcolm, and George Breitman. Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements. Grove Weidenfeld, 1990.

X, Malcolm, and Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. 1965. Ballantine Books, 2015.

Database Spotlight! NAACP Papers

This February, in honor of Black History Month , remember that UConn Law Library houses three important digital resources: the NAACP Papers by ProQuest.  The collection is organized into the following groups:

Major campaigns for equal access to education, voting, employment, housing and the military are covered in this module. The education files in this second module document the NAACP’s systematic assault on segregated education that culminated in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. Files from 1955 –1965 focus on the NAACP’s efforts to implement the Brown decision as well as to combat de facto segregation outside of the South.  Click here to go to the LibGuide page for this module

This NAACP module consists of the working case files of the NAACP’s general counsel and his Legal Department staff for the period from 1956 to 1972. The files document the NAACP’s aggressive campaign to bring about desegregation throughout the United States, particularly in the South.  In total, this module contains over 600 cases from 34 states and the District of Columbia. The cases in this module pertain to school desegregation, abuses of police procedure, employment discrimination, freedom of speech, privacy, freedom of association, and housing discrimination.  Click here to go to the LibGuide page for this module

One of the highlights of this NAACP module are the records on the Scottsboro case, one of the most celebrated criminal trials of the 20th century. This module also contains the key NAACP national office files on the campaign against lynching and mob violence, and NAACP efforts to fight against discrimination in the criminal justice system. Click here to go to the LibGuide page for this module

The NAACP Papers contains excellent material to support the law school community’s research projects on social justice and civil rights topics.  If you have any questions about this content, contact our reference team!

Honoring the Legacy of Morton Katz

Alum and well-known attorney Morton Katz (UConn Law Class of 1951) passed away this month at the age of 105.  An active alumnus, Katz attended alumni events as recently as 2019. In 2018 he participated in 100 for 100, an oral history project for the Law School’s 100th Anniversary.

Raised in Hartford, Katz graduated from Weaver High School in 1935. He earned his BS from University of Connecticut in 1939, when it was called Connecticut State College. He was doing graduate work at Iowa State University when Pearl Harbor was attacked and he was called up to active duty. He had been commissioned into the Army reserves since 1940. Katz joined the Army as a 1st Lieutenant serving overseas from 1942-1943 during World War II. He was part of the 82nd Airborne Division and made numerous parachute jumps in Germany, France, North Africa and Italy.

After his discharge from the Army at the end of WWII, Katz remained in the reserves, earning his JD from UConn Law on the GI Bill. As a student, he excelled and graduated with honors. He was editor of the Bar Journal, a precursor to the Connecticut Law Review. In his oral history with the Law School, Katz recalls he found his calling in law during his first class with Professor William F. Starr who he described as a standout educator. While in school, he balanced his studies with a job at the Hartford Courant along with military training, which provided him with financial stability.

Legal Career

Katz began his legal career as an unpaid intern at his uncle’s firm, where he gained experience in title searches and commercial real estate. He later worked at another law firm, before establishing his practice in the basement of his home. Katz focused on criminal law, probate work, and served as a public defender, handling a variety of cases, including drug offenses.

Katz was also active in pro bono work, spurred by his commitment to giving back, inspired by his uncle’s support during his education. In 2010, he received the Hartford Bar’s Pro Bono Award.

Katz received many military honors, among them, the coveted Combat Infantryman Badge, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, and Legion of Merit. In 2012, the president of France appointed him a chevalier of the Legion of Honor. He served in the reserves for 32 years retiring with the rank of Colonel in 1979. Katz participated in Memorial Day Observances every year right up through 2024 at the age of 105. In 2023, he published “From Paratrooper to Public Defender: Reflections of a 103-Year-Old World War II Veteran” with Aaron Elson, who transcribed hours of oral histories he conducted with Katz.

A full obituary can be found here. The Hartford Courant also ran a story on February 4, 2025. In addition, Katz did an oral history for the Veterans History Project at Central Connecticut State University. His story and those of others can be found on their website.

UConn Alum Morton Katz
Photo courtesy of Steven Laschever

Love and the Law

Love… plays a driving force in many aspects of our lives….it also comes with its own set of rules and regulations.  This Valentine’s Day, we are featuring HeinOnline’s blog post titled:  The Fine Print of Love: Uncovering the Not-So Unwritten Rules, which explores some unusual and little-known love laws.

All of the facts uncovered are available on HeinOnline including The U.S. Supreme Court Library, Session Laws Library, National Survey of State Laws, and Law Journal Library, all available through the UConn Law Library’s website.

Read on…and Happy Valentine’s Day!



Law Library Event! “Honor Bound” Coming Out in the Military – Feb. 13

Join us for “Honor Bound: Coming Out in the Military” featuring Law School alum Joseph Steffan, hosted by UConn Law Library, Law Library Archives,  in collaboration with LAMBDA and VALOR. 

Joseph Steffan, a 1994 graduate of the Law School, has a remarkable and inspiring story. Before attending law school, Steffan was a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, where he was considered a rising star. However, just weeks before his graduation, Steffan was outed and forced to resign. Determined to fight back, he sued the Department of Defense for reinstatement. While Steffan initially won his case, the decision was later overturned on appeal.

In 2000, Steffan generously donated his personal papers, which document his legal battle, to the Law School.  Archivist Rebecca Altermatt curated these documents detailing his journey and created the exhibit on display.

On February 13 at 12:30 PM, Steffan will join us for a discussion of his case and its lasting impact. The event will be moderated by Paul Chill, Clinical Professor of Law Emeritus, and Darcy Kirk, Distinguished Professor of Law Emerita, and former Dean of the Library, who was instrumental in accepting Steffan’s materials. The session will include a discussion followed by a Q&A. The event will be hybrid.

Don’t miss this powerful conversation! We look forward to having you join us for this event.
Event page link and registration form:


Saturday 2/1- Take Your Child to the Library Day

Feeling stuck indoors? We’ve got the perfect cure!

On Saturday, February 1st, the Law Library will host a morning of fun from 9:00am-Noon. Join us and explore the law library! We’ll have an obstacle course, coloring, reading nook, crafts, scavenger hunts and games. It’s a morning filled with laughter, creativity, and adventure—right here in the library! We hope kids and the young heart will join us and enjoy the library space.

This day is part of a nationwide initiative that encourages families to take their children to the library and raises awareness of the importance of libraries for children and families. “Your local library is an ideal place for children to play, discover, make friends, and have fun. And Take Your Child to the Library Day is the perfect time to discover some library magic.” –

We hope you’ll join us!


Take Your Child to Library Day

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be observed Monday, January 20th.  The Law Library will be open.  As we pause to reflect on the incredible contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this January, it’s an important moment to remember the enduring impact of his advocacy on our legal landscape. His work helped lay the foundation for landmark legislation that reshaped American legal frameworks, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

In a recent post, we explored the path towards recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. day as a federal holiday and of King’s summers working in Simsbury Ct.  His later writings speak of his experiences in Connecticut and how it increased his awareness of segregation.

To continue your understanding of how MLK Jr.’s work was influenced by his experiences in Connecticut and the ultimate road to federal recognition, we invite you to revisit our previous blog post: “Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Connecticut’s Connection”.

Read the full post here:

As we reflect on his legacy, we encourage those in the legal profession and beyond to consider how King’s philosophy of justice, equality, and nonviolence can continue to inform and inspire the law today. Let’s continue to honor Dr. King’s vision by advancing justice in the legal field and beyond.