Get Ready for 1L Year!

It’s August and 1L year at UConn Law is about to start!

For many of you, the law library will be considered a key part of your law school experience.  The adjoining cafe, classrooms, study rooms, IT, admissions, and of course research materials and librarians, are all housed in the library building!

There’s alot to absorb, so we figured we would start with the best resource to learn about the law library.

The Student Toolkit provides information on all aspects of the law library, from study aids, research help, course reserves and study rooms, check out this research guide to get started.

Image of landing page of research guide named Student Toolkit.
Landing page of Student Toolkit research guide

Our in-library display also features many great resources to start your 1L year, all come recommended from 2 and 3L’s who have been there, done that!

Book display featuring books about 1L year.
Book display at UConn Law Library

We look forward to greeting, and meeting you all!