Celebrating Disability Pride: UConn Law Library Display

In honor of Disability Pride Month,  UConn Law Library wishes to celebrate the achievements, contributions and diversity within the disability community.  The UConn Law library features a Disability Pride Display adjacent to the circulation desk that features issues related to disabilities in the context of the law.

Image of bookshelf containing selected books related to disability law.
Disability Pride Display at UConn Law Library.

UConn Law Library’s  Accessibility, Neurodiversity and Ableism collection contains works that consider issues related to disabilities in the context of the law, education, and other institutions, including neurodiversity and accessibility.  This collection curates both online and print items, this print display also features resources that consider the multitude of issues related to disabilities and our society.

Image of low bookshelves with selected books related to disability law.
Disability Pride Display – Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Justice (DEIAJ) book collection at UConn Law Library.

Disability Pride Month serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and the need for continued advocacy.  The Disability Pride book display hopes to promote awareness while celebrating achievements, and advocating for policy change.  All display items are available for checkout to UConn Law students, faculty and staff.  Hope to see you all stop by!!